DevOps Engineers for Projects

iTech is a SME specialized in providing IT and tech services for a range of businesses and industries. Continuously evolving over the past 20+ years, we bring a dynamic and experienced perspective to your business.


Providing IT solutions and Developing New Ideas

We are here to help you realize ideas. DevOps combines development (Dev) and operations (Ops) to get people, processes and technology to cooperate in planning, development, delivery and maintenance. DevOps combines formerly siloed roles like development, IT operations, engineering and security.

More times than not, our clients have no clear vision of how to pursue their idea – we are here to help them.

Before commiting to work there’s an important step to take – plan the future system well. In iTech, this is a challenge we readily take on.

Sometimes the customers want to develop a digital service in-house but lack the organizational or technical knowledge to do so – that’s where we come in – to instruct YOUR people.

All our delievered solutions have an API library that you can access from within your other programs or systems built by other authors.

Ensure minimal downtime/cost and optimal functionality for end-users and stakeholders.

Open code and SaaS pose a general security risk – maybe more on the legal side than anything else.


Building Modern IT Solutions & Providing Reliable Support

Our goal is to provide reliable IT service – whether it’s a completely new idea coming from our customers or our own developed service.


We Care About Our Clients

And Their Business


Complete IT setup from ground up